Nye Thompson ⁙ UBERMORGEN ⁙ Millicent Hawk ⁙ Joana Moll ⊹ Cédric Parizot
Opening party 17 December 2016 ⁙ 7pm 'til late
'til 12 Feb by appointment
+ Spin Sunday closing drinks 4-6pm ~ bring vinyl (not lycra)
_In a lounge they talk of nothing then hit the beach.
The last party will head before sunrise and swim to virtual shores on memory loss and bad pills. Live feeds into KBs and compression -------Plunged------- into insurmountable darkness
((((((( • )))))))
The system of this universe will continue without a net*** like fictional dystopias on deadening seas~ indirect horizons of a landscape of events concealing future collisions nearing the event horizon /~ the point of no return____
>>> fingertips followed >>> press (silenced) • Singular tediousness of liberal markets not liberated peoples _being watched~~~ they are wasted~ ~~~love - - drowned ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ digital watermarks to cast memory into 'culture' and 'progress' lest truth remembers the melt of our one-planet container >>> cyclical~ today's convergence of 'free' market acts~ Let's party together • tonight • and beyond. Party with the greatest hits and against the knocks~ lest to live with love be lost~ terminal>_ forever~~~
Love cannot be beaten, only people. And there is no victory in love but peace and sorrow. ‘Til power fails ~ and glory, falls.
This is TERMINAL>_
We are boxing with shadows Investigatory Powers Act
Save our Human Rights Act Liberty
Why stop Union rights? Trade Union Bill
This isn't about free trade CETA
Backdoored, 2016 | Nye Thompson
Backdoored, 2016 | Nye Thompson
An interview with Nye Thompson on Backdoored is online at Furtherfield.
Deepwater Horizon, 2016 | Millicent Hawk
Little Works, 2016 | Millicent Hawk
It’s not them that are crazy it’s you, 2016 | Millicent Hawk
Teredo, 2016 | Millicent Hawk
Teredo, 2016 | Millicent Hawk
Teredo, 2016 | Millicent Hawk
Little Works & The Virtual Watchers
The Virtual Watchers, 2016 | Joana Moll ⊹ Cédric Parizot
The Virtual Watchers is an on-going research project at the intersection of art, research and technology that questions the dynamics of crowdsourcing at contemporary State borders. It focuses on the exchanges that occurred within a Facebook group that gathered American volunteers ready to monitor US-Mexico border through an online platform that displayed live screenings of CCTV cameras... virtualwatchers.de
Nice Vanilla Latte, 2015 | UBERMORGEN
Nice Vanilla Latte, 2015 | UBERMORGEN